Author Archives: winner

Exercising the Liver – An Excellent Guide to Health Fitness

It is a tough job for the liver to keep the cleaning function of the body always in smooth operation especially with the present-day unhealthy eating and drinking habits of people. And, like any other machines, it encounters malfunctioning that needs immediate troubleshooting. But unlike other machines that need only oiling to run again, the…

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Coffee Health: New Antioxidant on the Block

Green coffee beans have supplied a new player in the antioxidant arena. An extract of green coffee beans has been found to have a stronger antioxidant effect than established antioxidants like green tea and grape seed extract. The active constituent in coffee that is responsible for its many health benefits is a compound called chlorogenic…

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A Summary of Chronic Hepatitis C Infection

Hepatitis C is a stealthy virus that mutates while hiding in liver cells and other organ cells like the spleen and gall bladder. The fact that the viral cells “hide” makes it very difficult for the body’s immune system to eradicate it. Hepatitis C is a slowly progressing disease sometimes taking many years until symptoms…

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Alcohol Addiction and Cirrhosis of the Liver

Alcohol addiction is a crippling and debilitating disease that takes its toll both mentally and physically on individuals who suffer from it. Alcohol addiction, in addition to having a myriad of other negative effects, also increases the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver. The liver, the largest organ in the body, is essential for…

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Coffee May Reduce Liver Cancer Risk

March 31, 2007, Milan – A recent study conducted by the researchers of Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri (IRFMN) in Milan, Italy showed that drinking coffee may help reduce the risk of liver cancer. Led by Francesca Bravi, the team combined all published data to find the link between coffee drinking and hepatocellar carcinoma…

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